Research & Divisions health outcomes and biomedical informatics

One department. Three divisions. Unlimited opportunities for groundbreaking research.


division of Biomedical informatics

biomedical informatics research

Dynamic, data-driven research

Defined as “the study of information at the intersection of computer science, biology and health,” biomedical informatics is the new frontier of health research. The biomedical informatics team at HOBI asks critical questions about the very nature of data and its integrity in an effort to leverage the ever-increasing amount of health data available today to improve health outcomes, health care delivery and health policy.

Caption: Aman Pathak, center, celebrates completing a capstone research project with committee members Yonghui Wu and Jie Xu.

division of Clinical and Population Health Integration

Clinical and Population Health Integration research

Knowledge integration

Crossing boundaries and disciplines, this growing field of clinical and population-based research integrates biomedical informatics and implementation sciences while supporting educational programs that improve health outcomes across the lifespan.

Team members of the ROAMM Study in the Division of Clinical and Population Health Integration

division of Implementation science and health interventions

Implementation science and health interventions

Improving care and quality

Health outcomes researchers use medical records, insurance databases, patient questionnaires and other data to evaluate the overall effectiveness of medical treatments or health interventions, including clinical outcomes, financial impact and patient-reported quality-of-life and satisfaction. Implementation science involves the study of methods to promote the successful integration of research findings and evidence into health care policy and practice. These researchers often engage patients and providers to ensure that their needs and preferences are considered.

Professors and students mingled during the poster session.

research Infrastructure


Clinical research network

Many HOBI faculty members are involved in the OneFlorida+ Clinical Research Consortium, a multi-state initiative focused on building the research infrastructure needed to support community-based clinical trials and implementation science studies. OneFlorida+ is also one of the clinical research networks nationwide participating in PCORnet, the national patient-centered clinical research network.

OneFlorida+ Logo


Analytical database

The OneFlorida+ Data Trust, housed at the University of Florida, contains a rich repository of electronic health records from millions Floridians in all 67 counties. The department also manages UF’s Family Data Center, a state repository of maternal and child health records.

Photo of Virtual Doctor



Nationally, our faculty are recognized for their leadership and service in organizations such as the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). At UF, HOBI faculty are leaders in the Clinical and Translational Science Institute and the Cancer Center. We are also the home of UF’s Institute for Child Health Policy (ICHP), which facilitates collaborative research to promote the health of children, adolescents and young adults.

Helping the Most Vulnerable


Methodological expertise

Our expertise includes sample size calculation, lifespan research, pragmatic clinical trials, rigor and reproducibility, community-based studies, implementation science studies, computable phenotypes and clinical natural language processing tools to access data in electronic health records, data quality and data analytics.

Graphic of Hands raised

funded projects


Feeding research. Fueling discovery.

Our annual extramural funding portfolio includes current funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration—Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the State of Florida, State of Texas, and the National Cancer Institute, among many others.

Clinical and Translational Research Building

Real World impact

Improving care

From assessing quality of care to harnessing mobile devices to leveraging health care data, much of our research focuses on improving quality and outcomes of care.

Promoting wellness

The department engages in health outcomes research and preventive interventions across the lifespan, including risk behavior reduction, cancer screening and prevention, tobacco prevention and control, and child obesity interventions.

Driving innovation

Our work not only improves health care, it also advances the way scientists conduct research. We develop new, innovative research approaches using the latest tools, technology and thinking to improve the speed, efficiency and accuracy of health care research.


New trajectory for cancer

Jamie Hensley, MHCM, CCRP, navigated booths where community health educators shared cancer prevention tips and screening guidelines, and outreach…

center for neurogenetics