Clinical and Population Health IntegRation HOBI research

Collaboration across areas of expertise can yield results in research that surpass single disciplines. The Clinical and Population Health Integration (CliPHIR) team supports large, interdisciplinary projects and medical interventions in patients intended to improve public health.

Team for CLIPHIR

Pepper Center

New website: Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center

This center seeks to enhance elder persons’ physical performance and mobility, and to train new investigators in aging and disability research.

Senior man exercising with dumbbells during exercise class at rehabilitation center

about cliphir

Integrating Knowledge for Patients

The complexity of developing new behavioral or drug interventions for patients requires a team approach. New solutions for combating and managing diseases are attainable by integrating diverse knowledge backgrounds. Ultimately, we aim to harness our collective energy to improve the healthspan of the community.

Hand touching AI tech-screen


To conduct clinical and population-based research that integrates biomedical informatics and implementation sciences while supporting educational programs that improve health outcomes across the lifespan.

key focus areas

  • Remote Health Technologies
  • Maternal Health  
  • Mobility Loss in Late-Life
  • Population Sleep Health
  • Alzheimer’s And Sleep Health

Our collaborations extend across the full range of focus areas within HOBI.

Health Outcomes

To design observational and interventional research to address a spectrum of health outcomes, researchers use big data (e.g., electronic medical records, insurance databases, disease registries), patient and participant surveys, geospatial analysis, and longitudinal data collection.

Digital art showing tablet and data flowing together.

Implementation Science

Using scientific rigor and theoretical frameworks, implementation science brings evidenced-based practices to the real world. Researchers consider several levels of influence on individual outcomes including individual, family, physician, organizational (e.g., clinic or school), and cultural factors.

Hands with and without gloves form shapes of human heads.

Biomedical Informatics

The new frontier of health research, biomedical informatics asks critical questions about the very nature of data and its integrity in an effort to leverage the ever-increasing amount of health data available today to improve health outcomes, health care delivery and health policy.

Doctor uses on a virtual screen of the future.

Population-based Health Research

The study of episodic and recurrent disease occurrences in a specific region for surveillance purposes. Findings are used to identify targets for conducting more smaller and more focused clinical research studies.

Clinical Research

Researchers use observational and interventional study designs to assess drug therapies, medical devices, diagnostic techniques and new technologies in specific individuals who would receive a clinical benefit.  The goal is to demonstrate both the safety and efficacy of an intervention.


CLIPHIR faculty

Collaborators for excellence

These researchers have an exceptional ability to combine various fields into a unified whole. Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, they help to harmonize experts on various instruments in research.

Three faculty

CLIPHIR education

hobi education

Interested in Postdoctoral Training?

The Translational Aging and Mobility (TRAM) T32 Training program is seeking PhD, MD, or other researchers to focus on addressing mobility impairments in late-life. Read about eligibility requirements and apply directly.

Ph.D. graduate Xinsong Du with faculty member Dominick Lemas.

HOBI news and updates

Story from NPR: There’s a way to get healthier without even going to a gym. It’s called NEAT