Current Course Schedule

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Spring 2025: HOBI courses

Title Course # Section Class # Credits Days Times Period Instructor(s) Location
Translational Bioinformatics GMS 6804 SPR1 19708 3 T 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Qianqian Song MALA 7126
Informational Modeling in Biomedicine GMS 6805 SPR2 19709 3 R 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Rui Yin MALA 7126
Pragmatic Clinical Trials GMS 6813 CSE9 27036 3 M 12:50-3:50 6-8 Dr. Larissa Strath MALA 7028
Measuring & Analyzing Health Outcomes II GMS 6822 CSE3 16619 3 F 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Yi Guo & Dr. Christopher Kaufmann MALA 7126
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis GMS 6846 2468 27106 2 T 1:55-3:50 7-9 Dr. Easton Wollney & Dr. Megan Gregory MALA 7126
Ensuring Rigor and Reproducibility in Clinical and Translational Research GMS 6848 1357 21204 1 N/A Asynchronous N/A Dr. Todd Manini Online
Community Engaged Research for Clinical Effectiveness & Implementation Science Studies GMS 6852 CSE5 15685 2 M 9:35-11:30 N/A Dr. Elizabeth Shenkman & Dr. Ryan Theis Online
Improvement and Implementation Science in the Learning Health System GMS 6853 CSE6 15686 3 N/A Hybrid N/A Dr. Jennifer LeLaurin Online
Introduction to Biomedical Natural Language Processing GMS 6856 CSE7 27035 3 R 1:55-4:55 7-9 Dr. Yonghui Wu MALA 7126
Health Outcomes & Policy PhD Research Seminar GMS 7887 HOBS 27042 1 W 12:00-1:00 N/A Dr. Carma Bylund & Dr. Mei Liu & Dr. Dominick Lemas MALA 7200

Spring 2025: non-HOBI courses

Title Course # Section Class # Credits Days Times Period Instructor(s) Location
Title Course # Section Class # Credits Days Times Period Instructor(s) Location
Introduction to Biostatistical Methods PHC 6052 –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
Statistical Methods in Research I STA 6166 –– –– 3 TR 10:40-11:30; 9:35-11:30 4,3-4 Bikram Karmakar T: AND 134, R: TUR L005
Theoretical Foundations of Public Health PHC 6405 –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health PHC 6001 –– –– 3 –– –– Jerne Shapiro Online
Statistical Methods for Health Science Research I PHC 6050 –– –– 3 –– –– Lixia Wang Online
Special Topics on Data Mining or Image Analysis BME 6938 –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
Software Engineering CEN 5035 –– 3 MWF 4:05-4:55 9 Alin Dobra LIT 101
Database Management Systems COP 5725 –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research GMS 7877 –– –– 1 T 3:00-6:00 8-10 Wayne McCormack, Kerri O’Malley, Catherine Striley, TBA

Fall 2024

ļ»æTitle Course # Section Class # Credits Days Times Period Instructor(s) Location
Health Outcomes Research for Chronic Diseases GMS 6802 HOB1 30099 3 Thur 12:50-3:50 6-8 Dr. Rahma Mkuu DSIT 7126
Data Science for Clinical Research GMS 6803 13GA 20933 3 Tue 12:50-3:50 6-8 Dr. Mamoun Mardini & Dr. Protiva Rahman HPNP 1101
Health Outcomes Research in Cancer GMS 6812 13G1 22538 3 Tue 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Georges Khalil DSIT 7126
Foundations of Biomedical Informatics GMS 6850 13G5 20934 3 Thur 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Jessica Ray HPNP 1101
Fundamentals of Dissemination and Implementation Research GMS 6851 13G6 20942 3 Tue 3:00-3:50 8 Dr. Ramzi Salloum GMS 6851
Translational Health Research Design GMS 6885 1B44 17785 3 N/A Asynchronous N/A Dr. Stephanie Staras Online
Causal Artificial Intelligence for Health Research GMS 7858 HOB2 30105 3 Mon 9:35-12:35 3-5 Dr. Jie Xu & Dr. Takis Benos DSIT 7126
Health Outcomes & Policy PhD Research Seminar GMS 7887 FL03 26893 1 Wed 12:00-1:00 N/A Drs. Carma Bylund, Mei Liu, & Dominick Lemas DSIT 7200
Grant Writing for Health Outcomes Studies GMS 7906 FL01 26860 2 Thur 9:35-11:30 3-4 Dr. Carma Bylund DSIT 7037
–– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Summer 2024

Course Title Course Section Class # Credit Day Time Periods Professor(s) Location
Qualitative Inquiry and Analysis in Intervention Development and Implementation GMS 5905 1357 20880 3 Mon/Wed 9:30-12:15/9:30-1:45 M 2-3, W 2-4 Dr. Carla Fisher 7126/7038 DSIT* (see syllabus)

Spring 2024

Course title Course section Class # credit day time periods professor(s) location
Translational Bioinformatics GMS 6804 SPR1 25130 3 Tue 11:45aā€2:45p 5-7 Dr. Dominick Lemas/Dr. Qianqian Song DSIT 7126
Information Modeling in Biomedicine GMS 6805 SPR2 25131 3 Thur 9:35aā€12:35p 3-5 Dr. Mei Liu/Dr. Rui Yin DSIT 7126
Measuring & Analyzing Health Outcomes GMS 6822 CSE3 18931 3 Fri 9:35aā€12:35p 3-5 Dr. Yi Guo/Dr. Christopher Kaufmann DSIT 7126
Ensuring Rigor & Reproducibility in Clinical & Translational Research GMS 6848 1357 27869 1 N/A N/A N/A Dr. Todd Manini Online, asynchronous
Community Engaged Research for Clinical Effectiveness & Implementation Science Studies GMS 6852 CSE5 17400 2 Thur 3:00ā€4:55p 8-9 Dr. Elizabeth A. Shenkman/Dr. Ryan P. Theis Online, synchronous
Improvement and Implementation Science in the Learning Health System GMS 6853 CSE6 17401 3 Thur 10:40aā€12:35p 4-5 Dr. Jennifer H. LeLaurin Online, hybrid

Fall 2023

Course title course section class # Credit day time periods Professor(s) location
Data Science for Clinical Research GMS 6803 13GA 21942 3 Tue/Thur 12:50-2:45p/1:55-2:45p 6-7/7 Dr. Mamoun Mardini HPNP G105
Security and Privacy in Clinical Research GMS 6806 FL02 29220 3 Mon 12:50-3:50p 6-8 Dr. Megan Gregory/Dr. Jie Xu HPNP G105
Health Outcomes Research in Cancer GMS 6812 13G1 23834 3 Tue 9:35a-12:35p 3-5 Dr. Georges Khalil HPNP G105
Foundations of Biomedical Informatics GMS 6850 13G5 21943 3 Thur 9:35a-12:35p 3-5 Dr. Jessica Ray HPNP 1102
Fundamentals of Dissemination and Implementation Research GMS 6851 13G6 21954 3 Thur 3:00-3:50p 8 Dr. Ramzi Salloum Online
Translational Health Research Design GMS 6885 1B44 18366 3 N/A Asynchronous 8 Dr. Stephanie Staras Online
Grant Writing for Health Outcomes Studies GMS 7906 FL01 29221 2 Thur 9:35-11:30a 3-4 Dr. Carma Bylund HPNP G108
Health Outcomes & Policy Master’s Research Seminar GMS 7887 FL03 29261 1 Tue 3:00-3:50p 8 Dr. Carma Bylund/Dr. Mei Liu HPNP G110

Summer 2023

Course title Course Section Class # Credit Day Time Periods Professor(s) Location
Health Outcomes & Policy PhD Research Seminar – Summer A GMS 7887 016E 13886 1 Tue 9:30-10:45a 2 Dr. Jessica Ray/Dr. Bruce Vogel HPNP G109
Health Outcomes & Policy PhD Research Seminar – Summer B GMS 7887 4H62 13887 1 Tue 9:30-10:45a 2 Dr. Jessica Ray/Dr. Bruce Vogel HPNP G109

Spring 2023

Course title Course section Class # credit day time periods professor(s) location
Translational Bioinformatics GMS 6804 SPR1 27006 3 Tue 11:45aā€2:45p 5-7 Dr. Dominick Lemas CGā€024 Communicore
Information Modeling in Biomedicine GMS 6805 SPR2 27007 3 Mon 9:35aā€12:35p 3-5 Dr. William Hogan HPNP 1102
Measuring & Analyzing Health Outcomes GMS 6822 CSE3 19604 3 Fri 9:35aā€12:35p 3-5 Dr. Yi Guo/Dr. Christopher Kaufmann Gā€108 HPNP
Systematic Review & Meta Analysis GMS 6846 1357 30284 2 Mon 1:55ā€3:50p 7-8 Dr. Carma Bylund/Dr. Megan Gregory HOBI Mod 2 Conference Room
Ensuring Rigor and Reproducibility in Clinical and Translational Research GMS 6848 1357 30285 1 Thur 10:40ā€11:30a 4 Dr. Todd Manini Online
Community Engaged Research for Clinical Effectiveness and Implementation Science GMS 6852 CSE5 17868 2 Wed 1:55ā€3:50p 7-8 Dr. Michelle Cardel Online
Improvement and Implementation Science in the Learning Health System GMS 6853 CSE6 17869 3 Thur 11:45aā€2:45p 5-7 Dr. Erin Mobley Online
Introduction to Biomedical Natural Language Processing GMS 6856 362A 18159 3 W 1:55ā€4:55p 7-9 Dr. Yonghui Wu C2ā€033 Communicore

Fall 2022

Course Title Course Section Class # Credit Day Time Periods Professor(s) Location
Health Outcomes Research in Cancer GMS 6812 13G1 25099 3 Tue 10:40a-1:40p 4-6 Dr. Georges Khalil Communicore CG-041
Data Science for Clinical Research GMS 6803 13GA LEC Regular 3 Mon 11:45a-2:45p 5-7 Dr. Mamoun Mardini CGRC Rm 101
Foundations of Biomedical Informatics GMS 6850 13G5 22870 3 Thur 11:45a-2:45p 5-7 Dr. Jiang Bian Communicore CG-056
Fundamentals of Dissemination and Implementation Research GMS 6851 13G6 22881 3 Thur 3:00-3:50p 8 Dr. Ramzi Salloum Online
Translational Health Research Design GMS 6885 1B44 18886 3 Tue 3:00-3:50p 8 Dr. Stephanie Staras Online
Causal Artificial Intelligence for Health Research GMS 7858 1324 LEC Regular 3 Mon/Wed Mon-9:35-11:30a/Wed-9:35-10:35a 3-4 Dr. Jie Xu HPNP G-316
Advanced Qualitative Methods: Narrative Health Methods & Analysis GMS 5905 SPT2 25428 3 Thur 9:35 am-12:35 pm 3-5 Dr. Carla Fisher Mod 2 Room 115

Summer 2022

Course Title Course Section Class # Credit Day Time Periods Professor(s) Location
HOBI PhD Research Seminar-Summer A GMS 7887 016E 14091 1 Tues 9:30-10:45 am 2 Dr. Bruce Vogel/Dr. Jessica Ray Communicore CG-041
HOBI PhD Research Seminar-Summer B GMS 7887 4H62 14092 1 Tues 9:30-10:45 am 2 Dr. Bruce Vogel/Dr. Jessica Ray Communicore CG-041
Ensuring Rigor & Reproducibility in Clinical & Translational Research-Summer B GMS 6848 016H 19750 1 N/A N/A N/A Dr. Matthew Gurka online

Spring 2022

Course Title Course Section Class # Credit Day Time Periods Professor(s) Location
Translational Bioinformatics GMS 6804 SPR1 31159 3 Tues 11:45a-2:45p 5-7 Dr. Dominick Lemas Communicore CG-056
Information Modeling in Biomedicine GMS 6805 SPR2 31160 3 Mon 9:35a-12:35p 3-5 Dr. William Hogan Communicore CCG-067
Security & Privacy in Clinical Research GMS 6806 SPR3 31161 3 Thur 11:45a-2:45p 5-7 Dr. Jiang Bian Communicore CG-022
Measuring & Analyzing Health Outcomes GMS 6822 CSE3 20506 3 Fri 9:35a-12:35p 3-5 Dr. Yi Guo Communicore CG-067
Health Outcomes in Vulnerable Populations GMS 6833 SPR4 31162 3 Wed 12:50-3:50p 6-8 Dr. Michelle Cardel Communicore CG-041
Community Engaged Research for Clinical Effectiveness & Implementation Science GMS 6852 CSE5 18508 2 Tues 1:55-3:50p 7-8 Dr. Elizabeth Shenkman online
Improvement & Implementation Science in the Learning Health System GMS 6853 CSE6 18509 3 Mon 12:50-3:50p 6-8 Dr. Ryan Theis online