HOBI Education Day

Aman Pathak, left, competed with Aseel Al-Omary in HOBI’s first Shark Tank.
Aman Pathak, left, competed with Aseel Al-Omary in HOBI’s first Shark Tank.

About Education Day

Education Day is an annual event held by the College of Medicine’s Department of Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics (HOBI). It challenges students to become presenters of their research, and it provides workshops and other engaging sessions to expose them to innovative pedagogy and methods to improve their educational experience. The experiences is targeted to graduate students and early career faculty; however, undergraduates may participate. HOBI offers graduate-level education in certificate, master’s, and doctoral programs.

Examples of Research Presentations

Biomedical Informatics

Ho Yin Chan presented research on Temporal Rule Mining.
Ho Yin Chan presented research on Temporal Rule Mining.
  • Ho Yin Chan, Post-doctoral Fellow
    AKI Sub-Phenotyping Using Temporal Rule Mining
  • Chang Wang, PhD Program
    Effect of Eligibility Criteria on Patients’ Serious Adverse Events in Colorectal Cancer Drug Trials
  • Yongqiu Li, PhD Program
    Impact of Cancer Screening on Advanced-Stage Diagnosis and Mortality among ADRD Patients

Health Outcomes & Implementation Science

Dima Bteddini
Dima Bteddini shared research about Smoking Cessation Interventions.
  • Dima Bteddini, PhD Student
    Tailoring Smoking Cessation Interventions for Social and Cultural Context: A Qualitative Study of Cigarette and Waterpipe Smokers in Lebanon
  • Naomi Parker, Post-doctoral Associate
    Educating Hematology-Oncology Fellows About How to Communicate About Clinical Trials: A Needs Assessment

For more information contact

Matt Mitterko

Assistant Director of Education, HOBI at mitterko@ufl.edu