HOBI Education Day 2024

Students engage at Education Day.
Graduates students, post-docs and early-career faculty interacted with their peers throughout Education Day.

March 27, 2024 | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Malachowsky Hall

Education Day Itinerary

9 – 11 a.m. | Rethinking Mentoring to Cultivate a Mentoring Network  

Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral Trainees, and Junior Faculty | DSIT 7200

This workshop draws on literature advocating for movement away from the more traditional 1:1 academic mentorship model to the recognition of the need for trainees to develop a mentoring network. Through this session, attendees will learn to discern various types of mentoring needs and begin creation of their own personal Mentor Map. Through this mapping process, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on those areas where they may need more mentoring/professional development, recognize a broader network of mentors that they may already have available to them, and to evaluate what they may be asking of each of the people they identified as mentors. Further, attendees will be encouraged to think much more broadly than the traditional “guru mentor,” to recognize colleagues, friends, and families who provide substantive feedback, sponsorship, access to opportunities, accountability, professional development, emotional support, intellectual community, a safe space, and who serve as role models. The workshop will have didactic and interactive elements.

Dr. Kenzie Cameron, Northwestern University

12 – 1 p.m. | Keynote Address: From Frameworks to Action: Finding Agility in Mentoring Relationships

Lunch | DSIT 7200

Dr. Kenzie Cameron

Kenzie A. Cameron, PhD, MPH, FACH is a Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (NUFSM), and the Director of Mentoring Programs for the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences (NUCATS) Institute. She also holds secondary appointments in the Departments of Medical Education, Medical Social Sciences (Intervention Science), and Preventive Medicine.

1:30 – 2:45 p.m. | Student & Trainee Research Presentations

Biomedical Informatics

Ho Yin Chan presented research on Temporal Rule Mining.
Ho Yin Chan presented research on Temporal Rule Mining.
  • Ho Yin Chan, Post-doctoral Fellow
    AKI Sub-Phenotyping Using Temporal Rule Mining
  • Chang Wang, PhD Program
    Effect of Eligibility Criteria on Patients’ Serious Adverse Events in Colorectal Cancer Drug Trials
  • Yongqiu Li, PhD Program
    Impact of Cancer Screening on Advanced-Stage Diagnosis and Mortality among ADRD Patients

Health Outcomes & Implementation Science

Dima Bteddini
Dima Bteddini shared research about Smoking Cessation Interventions.
  • Dima Bteddini, PhD Student
    Tailoring Smoking Cessation Interventions for Social and Cultural Context: A Qualitative Study of Cigarette and Waterpipe Smokers in Lebanon
  • Naomi Parker, Post-doctoral Associate
    Educating Hematology-Oncology Fellows About How to Communicate About Clinical Trials: A Needs Assessment

3 – 3:30 p.m. | Shark Tank Session

Aman Pathak, left, competed with Aseel Al-Omary in HOBI’s first Shark Tank.
Aman Pathak, left, competed with Aseel Al-Omary in HOBI’s first Shark Tank.
  • Aman Pathak, Biomedical Informatics, MS Program
    GatorGuide: User-friendly AI integration with UF Health
  • Aseel Al-Omary, Biomedical Informatics, PhD Program
    Derive Contributing Factors of IBD: Transition from Flare to Remissions from EHR Data through ML

3:30 pm – 4:30 p.m. | Poster Session

Biomedical Informatics

  • Miad Alfaqih, PhD Program
    Provider Perceptions of Predictors of Post-Discharge Complications for Critical Limb-Threatening Ischemia
  • Deyi Li, PhD Program
    Subphenotyping AKI stage 1 by SCr trajectories 
  • Ruben Zapata, PhD Program
    Harnessing Machine Learning to Combat Postpartum Hypertension: A Step Towards Improved Maternal Health Outcomes
  • Zehao Yu , PhD Program
    Investigating Social Determinants of Health from Clinical Notes for Cancer Outcome
  • Mengxian Lyu, PhD Program
    Patient-Doctor Dialogue summarization using Prompt Tuning Approach
  • Ziyi Chen, PhD Program
    Heart Failure Prediction
  • Akshita Gupta, PhD Program
    Automated pipeline for peritubular capillary inflammation scoring
  • Yanfei Wang, Post-Doctoral Fellow
    Unraveling the Role of CTLA-4 Variants in Acute Kidney Injury After ICI treatments

Health Outcomes & Implementation Science

  • Miranda Reid, PhD Program
    Characterizing interventions to reduce disparities in lung-cancer screening uptake by state Medicaid expansion status:  A scoping review 
  • Samantha Reese, PhD Program
    Navigating a Blood Cancer in Adolescence and Young Adulthood (AYA): Challenging Conversations for Parents Caring for their Diagnosed AYA 
  • Faith Heeren, PhD Program
    Reaching Adolescent Bariatric Patients: Community Engaged Recruitment versus Other Recruitment Channels
  • Bairu Zhao, PhD Program
    Using the HEXAD Framework to Study Gaming Personality and Game-based interventions in Adolescent Tobacco Prevention
  • Stacy Wright, PhD Program
    The Impact of Body Shape Perception and BMI on Self-Reported Depression in Postpartum Mothers
  • Sara Tohme, PhD Program
    Closing Disparities: Exploring Recruitment and Retention in Comparative Effectiveness Study of Mobile Health Smoking Cessation Interventions for Underserved Patients in Primary Care
  • Rachel Grossman, Undergraduate Student
    Closing the Gap: Exploring the Influence of Closed Loop Communication on Healthcare Workers

4:30 – 5 p.m. Reception and Awards

DSIT 7200

For more information contact

Matt Mitterko

Assistant Director of Education, HOBI at mitterko@ufl.edu