The University of Florida boasts a diverse, interactive and productive mobility and aging research community. The training faculty for the TRAM Program are grouped into two primary clusters, based on research focus and expertise: 1) the Aging Research Cluster; and 2) the Mobility Research Cluster.
Faculty are then grouped into six sub-clusters along with topical areas that represent their background research and current endeavors. Because faculty were picked for their translational research and their fit within the theme, some may serve across sub-clusters.
TRAM uses committees and scheduled meetings to oversee educational programs, maintenance and/or modification of the program plan and promotion of interdisciplinary mentorship activities. The titles, composition, frequency and purpose of these activities are summarized in the table. Decisions are administratively tracked through the organizational structure depicted above. The program directors are directly supported by experts in post-doctoral education curriculum development and diversity enhancement.
Dr. Cruz-Almeida will serve as the Director of Education and Curriculum Development by identifying and approving new and/or replacement educational activities— e.g. required vs elective. Dr. Cruz-Almeida (A Latina) has tremendous experience as a former T32 fellow and mentor for 10 post-docs. Drs. Tucker (an African American woman) and Anton (a Hispanic male) will Co-Direct Diversity Enhancement. Dr. Tucker is a psychologist with expertise in cognitive-behavioral interventions designed to leverage intractable social determinants of health to promote positive health behaviors. Dr. Anton is a leading authority on Intermittent Fasting and Chief of the Clinical Research Division.