- The program couples training on both aging and mobility.
- TRAM capitalizes our tremendous success transitioning our junior scholars in our Older Americans Independence Center and CTSI KL2 programs into independent scientists and the new training resources recently added by the UF RCMAR and American Heart Association Center awards.
- Co-mentoring or mosaic mentoring is at the foundation of TRAM’s training philosophy. Inter-disciplinary science is promoted by choosing mentors with different backgrounds — aging and mobility. This permits the training to receive a holistic mentored experience. Trainees may also choose coaches, sponsors and connectors (see training philosophy).
- The program is founded on the underlying principle that the trainees will conduct 2-years in clinic-based or laboratory work with accomplished mentors focused on aging, mobility or both.
- Training is tailored in the direction, scope and duration of individual backgrounds and needs.
- TRAM uses a competency-based training approach grounded in a well-established theoretical model, Experiential Learning Theory (ETL). This model posits that acquisition of new knowledge and skills depends on a cycle of experiential learning.
- Training on a T-award provides flexibility. TRAM supports additional coursework, networking with cross-disciplinary faculty and a structured training experience.
- Trainees have the opportunity to remediate deficiencies and complement their mentored training programs through our Master’s Degree or Certificate of Gerontology program which has topics on biology of aging, clinical, physiological, epidemiological, psychosocial influences.