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Health Outcomes And Implementation Science

Ph.D. pathways in cancer research: Miranda Reid

“I’m interested in how to make sure programs and research efforts last,” Reid said. “It’s not enough to collect data and show success; you have to think about what happens when you leave and how to make sure the work continues.”

CNBC profiles PhD graduate and family’s obesity journey

The video shows Dr. Heeren and her family discussing their weight management journeys and recent adoption of injectable diabetes medications. You may notice scenes at the University of Florida where Dr. Heeren is jogging and playing tennis on campus.

New trajectory for cancer

Jamie Hensley, MHCM, CCRP, navigated booths where community health educators shared cancer prevention tips and screening guidelines, and outreach workers stacked giveaway boxes full of vegetables and food staples. 

Big data allows researchers to analyze income inequality gap

University of Florida researchers, led by Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Law Edo Navot, Ph.D., will conduct a first of its kind study to search for the root causes behind income inequality, supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Mkuu wins support to build expertise in cervical cancer interventions

A prestigious award of more than $850,000 from the National Cancer Institute will support Rahma Mkuu, PhD, as she builds her expertise in implementation science over the next five years while adressing cervical cancer screening disparities among women living with chronic conditions. Mkuu is an assistant professor and chronic disease researcher in the Department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics within the University of Florida’s College of Medicine.