We are pleased to announce several faculty members who received promotions within the department on July 1. Their dedication to excellence is inspirational, and we anticipate even more success in these new roles. Their new titles are:
- Stephanie Staras, PhD: Associate Chair, Faculty Development
- Carma Bylund, PhD: Associate Chair, Education
- Ramzi Salloum, PhD: Division Director, Health Outcomes and Implementation Science
- Jiang Bian, PhD: Division Director, Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
- Todd Manini, PhD: Division Director, Clinical and Population Health Integration
Stephanie Staras has accepted an appointment as HOBI’s first Associate Chair of Faculty Development. In this role, she will support the mentoring of faculty. She is well-positioned for this role due to her success mentoring faculty as the HOIS Division Director and her excellent research portfolio. She will work closely with HOBI’s leadership team on strategies to create a range of faculty development initiatives that support our mission areas of research, teaching, and service. Visit Dr. Staras’ website profile at https://hobi.med.ufl.edu/profile/staras-stephanie/.

Carma Bylund has accepted an appointment as Associate Chair of Education, having served recently as the Director of Education for HOBI. She will build upon this experience and provide leadership on a range of educational initiatives outlined in the department’s strategic plan, including creating and promoting certificate programs, working to increase the number of training grants and student fellowships, and improving student experience and success. She also serves as HOBI’s liaison to the College of Medicine’s new Quality and Patient Safety Initiative. Visit Dr. Bylund’s website profile at https://hobi.med.ufl.edu/profile/bylund-carma/.

Ramzi G. Salloum has accepted an appointment as the Division Director of Health Outcomes and Implementation Science (HOIS). HOIS is home to experts in the development and application of innovative methods and approaches to translate evidence-based practices into real world clinical and population health settings to achieve health equity. Dr. Salloum is an expert in implementation science and serves as the Director of the UF CTSI Learning Health System Program. He will provide leadership for the division’s degree and certificate programs and for its robust research portfolio. He will collaborate with the other department leaders and provide guidance for the College of Medicine’s strategic pillars, with a particular emphasis on people, education, values and research. Visit Dr. Salloum’s website profile at https://hobi.med.ufl.edu/profile/salloum-ramzi/.

Jiang Bian has accepted an appointment as the Division Director of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (BMI). This title adds to a growing list that includes Professor, Chief Data Scientist for UF Health, and Chief Research Information Officer for UF Health. As a division director, he will collaborate with other leaders within HOBI and across the university to advance HOBI’s mission areas of research, teaching and service. Dr. Bian will support HOBI faculty and staff members to achieve existing goals and new initiatives. Visit Dr. Bian’s website profile at https://hobi.med.ufl.edu/profile/bian-jiang/.

Todd Manini has accepted an appointment as the first Division Director of Clinical and Population Health Integration. This division was established earlier this year, and it fills a need to provide more support for multi-disciplinary and population level approaches. An expert in gerontology, geriatric-based clinical trials and epidemiology, he has been instrumental in bringing the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center to HOBI. He also directs an NIH postdoctoral training program focused on Translational Research on Aging and Mobility. In this new role he will be recruiting faculty and developing programs that align with HOBI’s mission. Dr. Manini will be responsible for growing the division while ensuring adherence to the highest standards. Visit Dr. Manini’s website profile at https://hobi.med.ufl.edu/profile/manini-todd/.
Congratulations to these five leaders. We can anticipate being inspired by them as they grow into these new roles. We can also expect them to gain prominence at UF once we have moved into our new home in the center of campus: the Malachowsky Hall for Data Science and Information Technology. Things are looking good for HOBI!