This spring, HOBI is proud to graduate three students from both the biomedical informatics and health outcomes and implementation science concentrations. Congratulations graduates and go gators!
Meet our Spring 2021 Graduates
Graduate: Alexandra Lee
- Ph.D. in Medical Sciences with a concentration in Health Outcomes and Implementation Science
- Chair—Michelle Cardel, Ph.D., RD; Co-chair – François Modave, Ph.D.
In March, Alexandra Lee successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, “Characterizing subjective social status in adolescents and its application to physical activity and sedentary behavior,” which focused on using a rigged game of Monopoly to create feelings of artificial social status and observe the eating and activity behaviors of the game’s teenage participants.
Throughout her time as a student, Lee received awards and accolades for her research, presentation skills, mentorship and early career success, including recognition by The Obesity Society, the Diabetes Institute at UF and UF’s Center for Integrative Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases. In November of 2018, Lee published her first first-authored article, “Social Status and Adolescent Physical Activity: Expanding the Insurance Hypothesis to Incorporate Energy Expenditure” in the American Journal for Lifestyle and Medicine.
Lee is now a Manager of Clinical Research with WW after a postdoc in The Motivation Lab of David Conroy, Ph.D. at Pennsylvania State University.
Graduate: Haeun Lee
- M.S. in Medical Sciences with a concentration in Biomedical Informatics.
- Chair – Yonghui Wu, Ph.D.
Haeun Lee’s educational focus is disease prediction using machine learning. She is currently pursuing a data-focused industry position to gain practical experience before continuing her education.
Graduate: Ruoyi Zhang
- M.S. in Medical Sciences with a concentration in Biomedical Informatics.
- Chair – Yi Guo, Ph.D.
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