Looking for the latest series of HOBI Grand Rounds speakers? Please visit the HOBI Grand Rounds web page located on the News and Events menu tab.
The Department of Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics (HOBI) introduces HOBI Grand Rounds. This monthly educational lecture series will feature renowned speakers, researchers and educators from across the country, who will present the latest research, trends and perspectives on health outcomes, implementation science and biomedical informatics. Lunch will be provided at the 12-1 p.m. lecture series, as well.
“We’re excited about the speakers that will be participating in our grand rounds series, and for our students and attendees, who will benefit immensely from the expertise these investigators bring.” said Ramzi Salloum, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department and chair of the HOBI Grand Rounds planning committee. The event is open to students, faculty, residents, postdoctoral fellows and others interested in the topic.
The inaugural HOBI Grand Rounds takes place on Wednesday, March 20, 12-1 p.m. in Room 3161 of the Clinical and Translational Research Building. The guest speaker is William Hogan, M.D., M.S., professor of health outcomes and biomedical informatics and director of biomedical informatics for the Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Hogan will speak on “The OneFlorida Data Trust: Current Status, Ongoing Work, and Future Plans.” The OneFlorida Data Trust houses electronic health records for some 15 million Floridians and is a collaborative initiative designed to link researchers, patients, communities, clinicians and health systems to leverage the power of big data in research.
The department hopes to offer CME credit to attendees of HOBI Grand Rounds beginning in fall 2019.