HOP Pre-doctoral Candidate Presents at APHA Meeting

Wegman pic 1_20_2016Martin Wegman, a pre-doctoral fellow in the Department of Health Outcomes & Policy and M.D.-Ph.D. candidate at the University of Florida, was one of three student finalists invited to give an oral presentation at the 2016 Applied Public Health Statistics Section (APHS) Student Competition. The APHS is part of the American Public Health Association (APHA), which held its annual meeting in Denver this year from Oct. 29-Nov. 2. Some 12,000 public health professionals from around the world attended the conference to network, collaborate, exchange ideas, and share their experiences.

Wegman’s talk, “Methods in evaluating health policy: Biased difference-in-differences estimation and a generalized approach forward,ā€ reflected work conducted with HOP faculty Keith Muller, Ph.D., and Bruce Vogel, Ph.D. Student finalists receive a $600 travel stipend to attend the conference, a complimentary conference registration, and a perpetual license of the Stata programming language.