HOP Postdoctoral Fellow Receives Society for Prevention Research Travel Award

The Society for Prevention Research and the American Indian and Alaska Native Coordinating Committee of the National Institute on Drug Abuse have selected Brady Garrett, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Health Outcomes & Policy and counseling psychologist intern with Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health, to receive money towards the expenses associated with attending the SPR 23rd Annual Meeting and presenting at the research forum. The travel award aims to assist junior investigators early in their careers.

ā€œIā€™m really excited and fortunate to have received the NIDA travel award to attend SPR,ā€ Garrett said. ā€œNot only does it help to offset the cost of attending the conference, but it will also connect me with top prevention scientists who have conducted research on topics and areas that strongly align with my own research interests. Attending SPR will be an exciting learning experience for me as an aspiring prevention scientist.ā€