HOP Biostatistician Selected to Join National Cancer Institute Cancer Care Delivery Research Steering Committee

Keith E. Muller, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Health Outcomes & Policy, has been invited to join the Cancer Care Delivery Research Steering Committee of the National Cancer Institute as a statistical representative.

The steering committee aims to identify and promote the best science in cancer care delivery research and represents a diverse set of stakeholders and investigators with expertise in translational science, community oncology, patient advocacy, and biostatistics.

ā€œI am honored to be invited to employ my knowledge of complex statistical models to making advances in cancer care delivery,ā€ said Muller, who is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and will be the 27th member to join the committee. ā€œTeam science ā€“ where individuals with diverse backgrounds come together for a common goal ā€“ is one of the key ways to move discoveries forward and ensure that the most rigorous and most promising science receives funding.ā€

Muller is a nationally recognized biostatistician, and his work with the design of multilevel and longitudinal studies has received multiple NIH-funded grants, including two grants that will help make this information more accessible to scientists across American. The first grant, which is from the National Library of Medicine and totals $50,000 per year for three years, will allow Muller and his collaborator Deborah H. Glueck, Ph.D., at the University of Colorado Denver, to write a textbook on how to design multilevel and longitudinal studies effectively. The second grant, which is from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and totals roughly $200,000 per year for four years, will facilitate the creation of a short course on multilevel and longitudinal health studies.