In conjunction with Dr. Deborah Glueck of the Colorado School of Public Health, Dr. Keith Muller has launched a new website,, to help researchers with study design. The website contains free tutorials, papers, and talks related to calculating power and sample size for study design. also links to the free, open-source software GLIMMPSE, which allows researchers to input data in a guided, step-by-step process in order to calculate accurate power and sample size for study design.
Dr. Muller is the Principal Investigator and Dr. Glueck is the Principal Site Investigator on the NIH grant “Multilevel and Longitudinal Study Sample Size Tools for Behavioral Scientists” which has supported the creation of and GLIMMPSE Beta 2.0. The software engineers responsible for GLIMMPSE are Dr. Sarah Kreidler (lead), Dr. Aarti Munjal, and Ms. Uttara Sakhadeo.
Development of GLIMMPSE was initially supported by an American Recovery and Re-investment Act supplement (3K07CA088811-06S) for NCI grant K07CA088811 (Deborah Glueck PI, University of Colorado Denver).
Additional funding for GLIMMPSE as well as funding for was provided by NIDCR 1 R01 DE020832-01A1 to the University of Florida (Keith Muller, PI; Deborah Glueck, University of Colorado site PI).
Click here to view Dr. Muller’s webpage.